Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ang Chien Wen - Photography of the subject matter that we chosen (Graffiti)

We had choose ‘graffiti' as our subject matter to the field guide.

I found that the graffiti is quite nice to choose as our subject matter because the graffiti in Malaysia had their own style. Some of the graffiti also bringing their own meaning. Some of them are representing Malaysia culture. 
Figure 1: Graffiti at Long River Pasar Seni, legal for the graffiti artist to make art there

Figure 2: Graffiti at public places (window, post box, shop houses' walls and glass window), 
illegal and will clean up anytime
 Figure 3: Graffiti at side of the shop houses' walls, illegal space to draw graffiti and will moving away

 Figure 4: Graffiti at the shop houses' walls and steel wall, illegal to draw the graffiti at this places

 Figure 5: Graffiti at under bridge wall and side wall of the shop houses, illegal and flexible

  • Figure 1 is the legal place for the graffiti artist to show their talent for drawing the graffiti. So, it will be fixed at that place for the people to see from the top of the Pasar Seni LRT station. The graffiti are located at the opposite  of the Pasar Seni LRT station along a long river.
  •  Figure 2 to Figure 5 are the illegal graffiti at the public places in KL around the Pasar Seni. So it was not fixed at the public places.
  •  Our focus place of graffiti will be the Long River Pasar Seni, opposite Pasar Seni LRT station. There is more than 10 graffiti.
  •  So, my next step is to do research on each graffiti at the Long River Pasar Seni and the graffiti artist of each graffiti. Their title of graffiti and also the styles of each graffiti.

=[other subject matter that i captured like light (light stand, light bulb and lantern) 
and public telephone]=

Michelle - 1st trip to shoot =p

The title of this group project is:
Visual Language - signs in the city

As a group we started with brain storming of what we are roughly going to shoot in the city KL. Ant the idea came to out mind, is to imagine ''IF I were a tourist (from other country)'', what would i like to know, do and see? 

Figure:  Brainstorming - ''If I were a tourist''

 After the brain storming, we organize a trip to city KL. So on the 7th Dec, went with my group members (Pinky & ah wen) to start shooting from Pasar seni, to see whatever we have there or things that we can get. It was a good but tiring trip.

Below thing we shoot, i tried to categories them into - floor motif, graffiti, lights, phone booth, rubbish bin, signage and others.

                     Floor motif

Figure: This are the motifs found along the way/floor from pasar seni to central market.
   Figure: Here total shown 15 different floor patterns. 


This is along river bank facing LRT Pasar Seni
And is a legal place specially located for designers to draw-show off their talent/express themselves.

As for these following pictures are illegal places that people draw graffiti on.
Found out,they not only drawn on wall but even on any flat surface 
   (eg: postbox, electric box, glasses, window, pillar etc.)

Figure: On electric box

Figure: On whole roll pillars along the shoplots
Figure: Behind lane with graffiti
Figure: side lane with graffiti words
Figure: Graffiti on glass window
Figure: Graffiti on postbox
Figure: on pillars
Figure: on pillar

Figure: on wooden window


Figure: four different street lights
Figure: street lights
Figure: Stage lights
Below are light found in central market's Malay street 

Below are the lights in Strait chinese


                              ♥ Phone Booth


~*Coming up next: Is the continuation part from here.*~