Friday, December 31, 2010

Michelle - Graffiti event


Significant graffiti event of the year 2010 (in Asia)

Would like to introduce ''MOS'' & ''KUL sign festival'' BIGGEST event of the year.
What are they and what are the differences.
A little intro about ''MOS'' first...

  • Meeting of Styles (MOS) - International Art Festival Mural ( Graffiti ), which is derived from the German festival Wall Street MeetingThe main idea behind the event is to show graffiti as one of the emerging fields of art, but also to enable young people to express their talents.

The trip that we went to photograph on graffiti works (which was posted earlier). They are the ones that are painted by lots of graffiti artists during this '' MOS'' event. 
And found out that ''MOS'' and ''KUL sign festival'' are the same event. Had interview a graffiti artist (and a writter) about this event.
Below is the reason he explained both event are the same...

  • ''Actually..This event are call 'meeting of style MOS'..and this event is a worldwide event u can check at malaysia hv been chosen as one of their venue..but to get permission from government..which is DBKL the organizer from malaysia which is super sunday concept store hv do a talking with dbkl..n dbkl want this event to change a name to 'KUL sign fesival' just to get a permission to doing this event at sg the organizer hv agree to use that name n not 'Meeting of style 2010' just to get a permission to bomb at sg klang..actually this event hv been prepare last year..but last minute the organizer need to change the date n the event name..just to please the government..the actual date is on 27/28 november..not at 4/5 december..this event MOS is the first on asian oversea this event is like a anual year event for hopefully next year there will be no problem like this..that why u search about MOS there is nothng much abt it..because the event have change name to 'KUL sign'..only writer who know the story from the begining call and know this event as 'MOS' n not 'KUl sign'. ''


''KUL Sign Festival''

Venue: Pasar Seni LRT Station
Date & Time: 8.00 am, 4th – 5th December 2010
More Info:

Ealier(above) was a view from a graffiti artist. Here is another view from the outsiders-NEWS...

Date: 4 DECEMBER 2010

   City Hall of Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) through Culture, Arts, Tourism and Sport Department in its effort to approach the young generation especially Graffiti activists had organized KUL Sign Festival near LRT Station at Central Market last December 2010. 
    According to The Honourable Datuk Seri Ahmad Fuad Ismail, The Mayor of Kuala Lumpur, the festival is hoped to bridge relationship between CHKL and Graffiti activists in Kuala Lumpur. It is also hoped to reduce vandalisme and promote care on public property
Among the activities were graffiti art competition, X-Treme Sport competition, lucky draw and performance from local entertainers. Also presence was Yang Berhormat Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, Deputy Minister of Higher Education.


Events that took place on 4-5 Dec 2010

There were 100 participants during the 2 days ''KUL sign festival'

The CITY COUNCIL was preparing for the 1st ''KUL sign festival''

Graffiti crews are working on thier art pieces. Crews were limited to a total of 4 and each pice was limited to a section of 2 meters by 5 meters long

The organizerz provided free spray cans for all participants

A graffiti artist gets inspiration for his piece from a magazine.
The theme of this festival: KUL green

Using the spray paint leads to severely stained fingers. Thats why many artist prefer to work with rubber gloves

A DBKL van drops by for a quick check.
Many participants were very appreciative of the authorities' effort in recognizing the art form

A break dance performance at the festical dedicated to street art

The city's mayor (Dato' seri ahmad fuad ismail) visits the festival.
The mayor has plans to elevate graffiti as an artform and help graffiti artist gain recognition through such events

''Terima kasih''. One of the artist expresses his thanks to KL and the festival

Even late at night, some of the artists were putting finishing touches on thier pieces

The river bank is forever transfored. What was formerly a bleak area is now a colorful collage of creative art


In short, below is a short clip of the event on that day:


 ** Events held on that day ** 
  • Graffiti - art & culture
  • BMX - street & flatland
  • Breakdance
  • Skateboard & ps3
  • Invitation for overseas to join
  • Concert

~* Coming up next: Some sketches done in progress *~

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pinky Paik Ling - Further Research


What is the "Meeting Of Styles" or the abbreviation "MOS"?

MOS is the international graffiti festival that became a meeting place in the arts of hip-hop. Usually the 'MOS' is held outside the country each year. And this year, Malaysia proud to host this renowned festival. This festival was first held in Asia, and it is hosted by KUL Sign Festival  (supervised by the City Hall / City Hall).This massive festival which associates Hip Hop and Art together is bringing almost hundred artist around the globe to share the passion and love for art and music. Artists from KL's Graffiti community and others international artists will be showcasing their work of art along the Klang River and within the vicinity of the Pasar Seni LRT station.

MOS Malaysia 2010

KUL Sign Festival

MOS & KUL Sign Festival on progress:

The area covered with graffiti is few hundred meters long.

City Hall employees overseeing the security of the festival. The city hall are the main organizers of the KUL Sign festival.

A graffiti crew working on their art pieces. Crews were limited to a total of four and each graffiti pieces was limited to a section of 2 metres by 5 metres for the event.

For many artists, the wall acts as a canvas for their creative thoughts and expressions.

Using the spray paint leads to severely stained fingers. That is why many artists prefer to work with gloves.

Graffiti artist "Escape" working on his contribution to the festival.

A graffiti crew is discussing over their colour choices.

Some of the participants where using masks to protect themselves from the toxic spray fumes.

A break dance performance could not be missing at a festival dedicated to street art.

A break dancer performing a head spin. KL has a lively hip hop and street scene.

The city's mayor, Dato' Seri Ahmad Fuad Ismail visits the festival. The mayor has plans to elevate graffiti as an art form and help graffiti artist gain recognition through such events.

Even late at night, some of the artists still touch up on their pieces.

The river bank is forever transformed. What was formerly a bleak area now a colourful collage of creative art.

An additional video of MOS:

Michelle - 2nd trip shooting.....[2nd part]

[Continue 2nd part from the previous post...]

1st will be showing the ''editional'' part. Some of it showing my member are in work, and end with how we leave this graffiti place. we took really a long path to walk back up. And partly this editional part is taking cool post, relate to our graffiti theme.

''Editional'' part

> Ang Chien Wen

> Pinky Tan

> Ending part

Figure: End of the day. Walking out from the river bank.

The chosen ''10-15 graffiti artist'' part

Q: What do you call a person who does graffiti?
      It depends on what they do and who is answering your question.
        If they leave the same design everywhere, it would be their 'tag', so would be called ‘Taggers’.
        Otherwise, they would be simply referred to as 'Graffiti Artists'. 

** From the previous post i've shown the street art/graffiti works (2nd photo shooting), from there we'll  be choosing 10-15 graffit artist work to talk about in detail now.

About him: Freelance artist, illustrator,  designer, graffiti artist, street artist, toy designer, and black fryday (art director)

Contact Info:

2. Bone Aflie
About him: Do own graffiti, designs, own a clothing line, & one of the best dance crew in Msia

3.Chrn Six Seven (Chern 臣)
About him: Illustrator, writer, vandaliser.
Contact info:

4. Escape Va & Schizo
About him: Mohd Zaki b. Nordin ( May 18,1986) known as Escape, is a Malaysian visual artist and a graphic designer who start his career in street art.
Escape has been rebranded since January 9,2010 from the former tagname, Erkz.

Contact info: 017-3715819 (hp)

5. John Carpet
About him: Shah Alam, Msia (current city & hometown)

Contact info: http://www..this

6. Katun Abdulah
About him: -

Contact info:

7. They Tlg & bibichun
About They Tlg: -

Contact info: 016-2341362

About bibichun: Started out tagging the streets with chalk, soon find out it wont last forever. and so he tags around with more chalks. 

Contact info:

8. Acit Raman abdullah
About him: plays around with arcylic & spray paint. creating new style graffiti letter, miz a hint of spice from Asian culture with floral design & making these components his own.

Contact info: abdulrashade(Twitter) (email) (fb)

9. Anokayer                                            
About him: This piece done by him on dec 2010. poster-Anokayer, artist-anokayer, type of graffiti: character.

Contact info: -

10. Snozze Tlg
About him: SNOZZE, came to existence in the year 2006 from a normal morning incident. Awaken by my mobile phone alarm, the word 'snooze' was on the screen and within a minute,decided to be known as SNOZZE in Graffiti Art scene.

Contact info:
 016-3519024 (hp)

~* Coming up next: Next, will be introducing a few significant graffiti event. *~